E’ prevista la partecipazione in presenza oppure online tramite piattaforma Teams Accreditamento Ordine Avvocati di Roma in corso

Per maggiori informazioni puoi consultare il sito: ALAI

  • 2023 – Paris – Copyright, related rights and artificial intelligence
  • 2022 – Madrid – Copyright, Competition and Innovation
  • 2018 – Canada – Le droit d’auteur en action:Perspectives internationales sur les recours
  • 2017 – Copenhagen – Copyright, to be or not to be
  • 2016 – Rome – Applied Arts under IP Law: the uncertain border between beauty and usefulness
  • 2015 – Bonn – Remuneration for the use of works – Exclusivity vs. other approaches
  • 2014 – Brussels – Moral Rights in the 21st Century – The changing role of the moral rights in an era of information overload
  • 2013 – Cartagena de Indias – Dissemination and Management of Works of Authorship on the Internet
  • 2012 – Kyoto – Copyright and Related Rights in the “Cloud” Environment
  • 2011 – Dublin Expansion and Contraction of Copyright: Subject Matter, Scope, Remedies
  • 2010 – Vienna – The Duration of Copyright and Related Rights
  • 2009 – London “From 1710 to Cyberspace”, celebrating 300 years of copyright and looking to its future
  • 2008 – Dubrovnik – Cultural Diversity: its Effects on Authors and Performers in the Context of Globalisation
  • 2007 – Uruguay – The Author’s Place in XXI Century Copyright
  • 2006 – Barcelona – Copyright and Freedom of Expression
  • 2005 – Paris – Exploring the Sources of Copyright
  • 2004 – Oaxaca – Infringement of Works of Authorship: from Traditional Piracy to the Liability of Internet Enterprises
  • 2003 – Budapest – Protection of Creators’ Rights in the Information Society
  • 2002 – Neuchâtel – A Copyright-Internet World
  • 2001 – New York  – Adjuncts and Alternatives to Copyright
  • 2000 – Stockholm – Copyright, Related Rights and Media Convergence in the Digital Context